My Dr. Wife & Children
I hope this will meet you in good health as I am at Present Thank God
I hope that you will excuse me for not writing more Constant But believe me if you were to
know the duties imposed on a Soldier in War times you would not have blamed me Let one know
next letter how you and the children is getting along As it is impossible for me to get a Furlough
during the forth coming Holidays Let me know the Coal, Wood, and Provsions in New York
and also how the neighbors is getting along May God Bless you and my children Until I see
you again no more as I am going on duty But write soon and give my love to the children and My
Dr wife you accept the same and I remain with Gratitude and Respect your Aff't husband
Thomas Flynn
62nd Reg't Anderson's Zouaves N.Y.S.V.
Camp Tenley, Washington, D. C., or Elsewhere
Write often, as you know I cannot write when I please Direct to Camp Tenley, Tenleytown,
Washington, D. C. to the above address
(Strange letter as Thomas never married.)
Camp Kearney, Virginia
Dec.4th 1861
Wednesday Night 8 O'Clock
My Dr Wife and Child
I have rec'd from Tom one hour ago a Letter Which I will Transmit in Sullivans Boyon
as it may Communicate more particulars than I really could do I have nothing of any Importance
Since My last letter But on those Hills of the of the Sunny South it would at Present Freeze a
Wolf and We without any Fire & Sometimes Candlelight My Discharge is gone to Washington
on last Saturdays Post But I must wait for my turn There is so many Reg't Lists to be looked
over You do not (?) you know me I am well thank God and I hope my Little Sonny is well
Also yourself I cannot tell after next week what time I may be Home God send it Soon
This place would kill both Man and Horse I gave to the Quartermaster by the Officers Orders
My Sword,Pistol,Saddle and Bridle with all the accoutrements belonging to Myself and horse on
Yesterday You keep your mind to Yourself I can have no money going home but what will be
due to me they owed me one months wages on the First of December I will now Post this letter
with two Gold Dollars Which I hope You will Receive Recollect not one Dollar Ever could
remain in my pocket but would annoy me and to consider that you Might want it If you have
anything to say to Tom do not say that you have heard anything from me But I know Men of
Families in my own Company done No better, I Say it mainly Springs From Improper
Cultivation or Ignorance My hearts Delight With Gods help I shall soon have the Pleasure of
Seeing You and poor little Jack which would be the Delight of
Your Affect' Husband and Father
James Flynn
1st New York State Volunteer Cavalry
Direct as Before It comes right
Here is a kiss for you and Jack God Bless Ye'
James Flynn |
If any soldier on Furlough on Discharge might call on you as in time I might have told them the
Number Do not aknowledge them As persons has been Cheated Several times and Imposed on
by such persons with Lies in their mouths
James Flynn
[Note: This letter isn't dated, but in it James Flynn states that he is awaiting his discharge, apparently from the 1st New York State Volunteer Cavalry. In the letter following this James Flynn describes himself as a Hospital Steward Nurse. So it follows that this letter was written sometime between the two letters of December 4, 1861 and September 21, 1862. Probably closer to the latter then the former.]
My Dr Sussanah
Just after I closed your letter A man of the 62nd Reg't. A man called William Carberry of Tom's Reg't and Co. Also stops in Tom's tent Came into our Camp I knew him the moment I seen him He has informed me that Tom And everyman in the Reg't has 13 Dollars this month He also told me What Tom told him that You had a Horney(?) Employed to get him out Also that when Tom was paid that he and 7 or 8 more of the chaps went to Washington on a Spree without a pass and that Tom Sent you 10 Dollars & lost 10 more To satisfy you Also that he thought to Desert But could not A Boy that will do such a thing and expect to go home appears to me -Curious But to You Do all in your Power to get him out before this Heavy Battle comes ahead As it must soon be That was 16 Dollars He laid out this last 2 months Do not let Him Know That I sent you an account of this The 63rd and the 69th is within 40 Perches (?) of us The 7th Reg't has Marched Round our Camp since Yesterday morning We are between Fort Ellsworth and Fort Morgan I hope to have more good news this next letter It is on my Knee I write this Sunday night at 8 O' Clock as it goes with the other in the morning But this is in Two halves and one part will answer for Tom's letter and in your next send me all Particulars Do not Fret God has Favored me so far Thank God Give Jack a kiss from his Father My Dr Sussanah you accept the same
From your Aff't Husband
James Flynn
Camp Kearney,
Tom is only 2 1/2 miles from Washington I am 12 miles Round the road But nearer across the River I will be home as soon as my Discharge comes From Washington It Must be Signed there We heard this evening that Captain Todd and all the Men was mising is at Richmond Prisoners I do Not know Can it be True?
Two O'Clock
Sunday Sept. 21st '62
My Dr Wife and Child
I have posted a letter yesterday Saturday for You But I rec'd this from
Washington Just this Moment and here is my own note returned with the General's answer in Red
ink He terms me Hospital Steward instead of Nurse I send you the envelope You may Show
that to any person that Does not know the Situation as Nurse that I hold I hope that You and
Jack is Well and if You feel very lonesome as your Rent will be due on the 25th If You wished I
would Move 1/2 Dollar is not Much But the Trouble is too Much for you As soon as I get my 2
Months Pay if it lies in my power Which I hope it will You may expect me Home as even the
Soldiers say that If they could Start up they would Sooner take the Field You did not say You
had My Discharge Right and Safe or how Marg't Tracy Anne Mack and Dolan was and let me
know if you are Getting the Relief Money from Tom and how Jane Craven & William and the
Children is & What Reg't Michael Tracy is in Iwould not enlist for 1000 Dollars It is easy to
Talk I hope God will send poor Tom Safe I see in the Paper today the 1st Cavalry New York
Col. Reynolds and the 8th Pennsylvania is two of the Best Regt's in the United States there was
Fights But I hope Tom was not There Cheer up and do not Fret and let Me know everything
worth Knowing in your next letter You are lonesome But I am 15 Times moreso It takes
3Days for a letter to Come here So you may let me have one again Friday and if You do not
receive this in time You need not answer it untill Next week a kiss for Jack & You accept the
Your Affect' Husband
James Flynn
Hon. Sir
As necessity Compels me to call forth on your time and Attention I beg to be excused,.
Whereas My wife has Rec'd a letter from my son Thomas Flynn of the 62nd Reg't New York
St. Vol Andersons Zouaves Co."G." and has Forwarded From New York City Directions to Me
as to where to Write He was there at Yorktown , Va., I have Sent him a letter and has rec'd no
reply I would wish to Know His where abouts Living or Dead I hope Sir your Compliance
would oblige your Ob'd Serv't
Sept.,15th /62
James Flynn Hospital Nurse
Newport News General Hospital
2nd Division, Virginia
( Answer) This man's name occurs on the Muster Rolls for June 30th, is Alive and Well. There is no Later Record on File in this Office
A.G. Office Sept.19th/62
Hampton Hospital
Near Fort Monroe
Nov. 12th 1862
My Dear Wife & Child,
I rec'd your Welcome letter at one O'clock day Wednesday & is Happy that
you and Jack is in good health as I am at present Thank God Your letter was dated on the 7th.
inst. therefore it is 5 days since you wrote it I am happy that you heard from Tom I am much
gratified to think that He has not forgotten his duty I also am happy to hear that he was well and
I hope that he may so continue for the remaining part of His time He has done very good
Considering his age and to see how old men in this Hospital thats had families Can spend their
money and it is very unnecessary except for Tobacco I am glad that Jack is Qualified to direct
you how to make figures And also tell Him not to fear I shall not forget his books and other
necessaries I am sorry to hear that things is rising so high in New York, But thank God there
will be means to meet all needs 1 Barrell of Flour 1 Load of Wood 1/2 Tons of Coal Will put
you over the Winter That would cost about 25 Dollars We signed the pay toll on Monday
and Surgeon W. Clellan told us we won't be paid this well I suppose up to the First of the
month You have made a mistake about the 2 1/2 Dollars a Month to be stopped from our wages
We are to be paid 18.50 each month & that leaves only 2 Dollars a month stopped from us Now
you say I seem Content I will be away 3 months on next Tuesday & I have seen plenty since to
make me think enough But at the same time there is plenty that will fill the situation The Smell
and Stopping up at night is the most Disagreeable and also keeping the pay to long I have never
given you reason to believe I was Content But the way I go along is to make the best of it I am
situated now not so bad I got shut of the hand (?) dirty work But if there be a Battle any place
all the wounded & sick is bound crowd into Fort Monroe We will here 2 weeks on tomorrow &
I have got no washing done nor do I think any of the Surgeons has got any We have no money
to pay for them Oh I suppose the Negro women would wash them This is a nicer place than
Newport News I know if I ask to go home they will not let me as several applications has been
made by the Nurse and have been refused so I think the way I told you before is the Best way
Do not fret for me God is good I have never put any things before me But God was good to
me You did not say anything how trade was I hope I will be paid before Sunday Give my
thanks and best to Anne Mack and Anne Dolan And Mich'l Tracy sends Ye all His respects
He is First rate His Camp is within a half mile of us I seen him on Sunday Give my Respects to
all friends and neighbors And I will not write to Tom for another week & then I will know more
Write to me when you receive this Do not say anything Particular Fearing it might not come to
hand God Bless you and Little Jack & Tom and Give my Little Fellow a Kiss From his Father &
You will Accept the Same and I remain your
Aff't Husband & Father
James Flynn
Direct as before In care of Doctor Mc Clellan
You do not appear to Wish that I Would go Home
James Flynn
Sussanah Flynn
John Flynn
Thomas Flynn
The Snow here on Friday was Furious
Na Discies Land
( Translation From the Irish : A Barren Land )
Hampton General Hospital
Dec. 3rd, 1862
My Dr Wife and Child
I am happy to inform you that I Rec'd your welcome letter dated Dec.the 1st and is
Delighted that you and Jack is Well as I am at Present thank God I also rec'd on the first that
your letter Dated the 17th of Nov. Having that happened your Two letters Had a Stamp in Cash
and an envelope My Dr Wife and Child I do not wonder at your being uneasy Besides the
inconveinence of being without money for so long a time But be well aware it is a Certain Fact
that What you told Jack is true It is not my Fault If I got My Pay Jack would have the boots
and His Father to fit them on There is men here that if they had their Passage Money would
leave all behind and go Home Our Pay Rolls are exact Month That is for 2 Months and 12
Days But we Cannot tell the moment We may get it and then the 1st of January there would be 2
more months Wages due to me I am supprised at Martin Keegan and Biddy not asking you
to the Christening But what do you care about that or if you were asked it would be like the
time Mrs White and us was invited We would get 1 pint of Beer for the whole Christening
Although you are at Several Disadvantages Still I caution you not to Fret The money is
Sure But if it had any Patience Wore out Thinking how you get along I hope you moving may
be for the Better but I do not the like the top of a House It is more lonesome than the First Floor
I cannot see how I would like to go up so High for the Same Rent and still be on the Back But
still you may have ideas that I do not think of and I hope it may be all for the better I am also
glad that you sent the Things to Tom and is also glad He is Better than be a poor Private and I
hope that God will protect Him through all as He has done up to this time I have seen Michael
Tracy on Sunday He is Well and sends his Respects You had a right to keepthe receipt for
Tom's parcel untill you would see did they go Safe There is Men coming to this hospital
everyday with various catching Diseases Such as intermitting Typhoid and Other Fevers and also
Small Pox The Surgeon sent one case away From my Ward that come on Yesterday there is no
wounded Men here at present but all is nearly well But the sick is filling up these Barracks very
quick It must be a pretty Hard Spot for the heat of the weather Now god Bless Ye' Both and
content yourselves and do not Fret and let Jack talk to you Pleasantly Me and Tom is only away
for a short time God willing We can (aaron?) money enough to keep you from Begging Give
My Respects to those that you think fit I had to borrow from a young man named Potter
money to pay for my washing and buy Tobacco Both is Rare Commodities here I send Jack a
Ten Cent Bit to buy a glass of beer for you and Himself My Letters would not be empty if I
was Paid I also send Him 3 Cent Bits Your envelope on the last letter was nearly opened
Look out for that I do be as uneasy to hear from you as Ye do from me
I am My Dr Wife and Child
You Affec't Father& Husband
James Flynn
Morris Island , South Carolina
Dec.12 1863
My Dr Wife & Son
I hope this will meet you in good Health as I am at present Thank God I am
suprised at writing 4 letters to you & got no answer The last one was the 19th of Nov. from this
Island & and I put 50 cents in it for you to drink my Health I hope I have done no injury to you
that you make so little of me I am on tomorrow 2 months from home It is too Short a time to
forget a person and I cannot tell Did my clothes go Home Everyman gets his letters But myself
and the men laugh at me I wrote Tom this morning If you do not write to me soon I'll write to
10th Street and see how things goes on I cannot understand How it may be If you be there
give my Respects to JohnAnnie, and Lilly Butler
& Poor Jack Thank God his Father still lives
Yet I'll say no more as I cannot tell how my letters is not answere
Direct to John Hill 7th New Hampshire Volunteers, Co. D Morris Island, South Carolina or
Elsewhere Co. D
I told you in my last to write as soon as possible as I had Something Particular to say But if I
was a Renegade of the Most Abjured character you could not treat me with more cold Irony
But you may be excusable as I cannot tell How things Is
Let me have a letter quick one way or the other
Co. "D" J.F.
St. Helena's Island
South Carolina
Jan. 20th, 1864 |
My Dr Wife and Child
I hope this will find You well & Jack in good Health as I am at present Thank
God I am very sorry if I have troubled You much in sending you Two letters One Dated the
26th and the other one the 27th of Dec.1863 But I hope to be Excused as my letters of the 26th
Contained 100 Dollars and the one on the 27th Contained 1 Five Dollar Greenback And I have
Your Direction How to manage them Now I wonder if You Rec'd them or any of them That
you have not sent an Immediate answer as so Much money Should Be Looked After The First
Bill was on the State of Vermont(?) with Two Large Letter "C" Stamps with Red Ink If they
havenot come to Hand yet You see if the name be Advertised(?) Or go to the Post Office and
Inquire As the Man in the tent with me Wrote the Same Day and Rec'd an answer from New
York joining the Canada Line one week past I remained Patiently untill I got Wore out Now
nearly a month And the newspapers comes here in 5 Days Also a letter would come in the
Same time However If you wrote meand Rec'd the letters and the Money before Youreceive this
You need not write untill I send you back an answer Everyman gets letters here in two weeks I
am now going on 4 months from home and got no letters But Two The one You Sent to
Concord (N.H.) come to me on the 29th of Dec. It was Dated the 4th of Nov.1863 and Post
Marked on the30th of Nov And went Round the World from Spain(?) I Rec'd a Letter from Tom
on last Week It was wrote on Christmas Day and He put No Stamp on it And it was delayed at
Hilton Head (S.C.) for 3 cents postage It was last week I got it I gave him no Intelligence
about being here But I told him I was going to Cincinnati from the Draft (?) and I seen the
Bounty Officer and thought I'd make the best of it As he said I had a right to know enough He
said they were wanting to Reenlist and I strictly told Him not I'll send you in my Next letter Toms
letter and the Envelope of the 4th of Nov. to let you See I tell no lies Give my love to Jack and
tell him from me to be a Good Boy untill I see Him And I hope that neither You nor Him is Sick
God Bless you both Excuse me if I'm hasty As it is no wonder I told you to Change The Bill at an
Express office oor if you did not change one you could in another oneas they might charge You a
little Discount Give Jack a kiss from me & and youreceive the Same yourself Iam with Gratitud
Direct to:
John Hill , CO. "D"
7th New Hampshire Vol.
St. Helena's Island, South Carolina
35 Cents to you Jack for Something I'll send you the Particulars in the next
Wednesday the 20th 4 O'Clock P.M.
Another letter from Thomas Flynn to his mother.

Thomas Flynn in his Zouave uniform
Army of West Virginia
Harkissonburg, Va.
Sept. 23rd,1864 |
Dear Mother,
I write these few lines hoping to find you and Jack healthy as your Son is at
present. I would like to know why you do not write to me I have not Received a letter from you
in 3 weeks . We are a grate way from all Communication with the North But the mail comes up
every week
We have garnered 2 of the greatest Battles of the war on the 19th and 22nd of this month
Sheridan is a grate man. He has done more than any Commander that ever I was under. At the
Battle of Winchester on the 19th He led this Corps to the charge with Sword in hand and could
be seen in the front Rank throughout the day and when he got the enemy started he kept them
agoing and only that night came on so soon , Early with his force would be killed or Captured On
the 22nd Sheridan agane led his Charge to Fischer's Hill Which we carried at the point of
Bayonet The Rebel Army would not fight if they would show only Resistance We could not
carry the Hill They could kill us by Boaling stones on us from the top of it But anuf of this I
suppose that you have heard all about it by this time The Corps never done Better Alan was
slightly wounded on the 23rd But is doing Duty now The piece of Shell that struck him left a
slight mark on his arm and lamed it for a few hours But he now is all Right We expect to go on
a Raid as far as Lynchburg We cannot get Supplies and will have to Come Back agane like
Thunder My respects to Miss Allen Jack and all inquiring friends
I Remain your Affect'd Son
Thomas G Flynn
I wrote a Letter to Miss Allen yesterday I did not have time to Form the letters hardly
when the Mail went I am writing this at Risk of being Captured Before it gets to Harpers Ferry
Thos G. Flynn
Sergt. Co. G 62nd N.Y. Vol A.
Preserve these Card De Vais |
Sent to :
Susan Flynn
317 East 9th Street
New York City
Tallahasse, Florida
March 30, 1864
My Dr Wife & Child
As it was pleasing to God to permit Me once more to address you I hereby
inform you that on the 5th of Feb'ry I sent you 2 hasty letters from St. Helena one Contains a
20 dollar Bill And the other a 5 dollar Bill I also sent you another few lines from Barbers
Plantation Florida with a 5 dollar bill Which I gave to the Chaplain to post for me that was on the
18th Febry 2 days before the Battle near Lake City I was wounded just on the lower Ribs and the
ball passed out Within 2 inches of my back bone near my two shoulder blades I am getting on
first rate Rate do not fret. Keep good courage If you were to see the wounded men you would
pity them We are treated very kindly by the enemy as much so as the Circumstances care to
admit I hope soon to be moved I suppose to Georgia to be paroled or exchanged God willing
I will soon see Ye I now hope that your health is good and Jacks' Tell him from me to be a
good boy And to keep to school And please God I will soon see him and send him a present
When ever you go out bring Him also I do Not like 9th Street Do not allow Him to wander on
the Streets I suppose Tom was home Since I heard from you last Give my respect to Mr gifford
This letter goes by Flag of truce You need not write as it would'nt likely come Keep up you
Courage Thank God I am myself again And do not neglect yourself or Jack I am a Prisoner
of War I hope Soon to be Paroled or Exchanged
From your Affect'd husband
James |
Tallahasse, Florida, Wednesday, March 30th, 1864
The above letters were originally transcribed by Gerry Flynn, great-grandson of James and grandson of John. Mr. Flynn has given his premission to reproduce the photo and letters on the Battle of Olustee WWW site.
- Thomas R. Fasulo, Webmaster
The photograph and letters contained on this page are copyrighted by Gerard Flynn and his family.
As such, they may not be used for any purpose without the express permission of Mr. Gerard Flynn, 1594 Ward Frontier Lane, Henderson, Nevada 89015, or
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